Iraq war and subsequent occupation may eventually be considered as a mistake even bigger than the Vietnam war, said an article written by a defense industry analyst Loren Thompson, published by Forbes. He also said the war has failed to garner domestic support, which led to "significant defeat" of American strategy in that country.
Referring to the false accusations that Baghdad had Western weapons of mass destruction (WMD) as a reason for war, the article said there were no WMD and it is only an illusion.
"We quickly determined that another reason to go to war in Iraq, mostly imaginary," said Thompson.
Thompson added that U.S. forces leave Iraq will not go far from neighboring Kuwait.
He pointed out that Washington will most likely keep an extensive military presence in the region to ensure that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has the ability to control much of Iraq's political factions.
Thompson said the Pentagon has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on new technology, training and tactics to combat the insurgency. However, insurgents in Iraq, he said, succeeded in pushing the American military machine to the brink of defeat.
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