Caliph Omar ibn Khattab set standards between the two based on the weight of each: "7 dinars must be equivalent to 10 dirhams."
Revelation states about the Dinar and Dirham lot of legal laws associated with it such as zakat, marriage, hudud and so forth. So in Revelation dinar dirham has a level of reality and a certain size as a standard calculation (for Zakat, etc.) where a decision can be meted to him compared to other currencies.
Ibn Khaldun in the Muqaddimah al-ijma mention that there are early Islam and the period of the Companions and Tabi that ten dirhams worth the seven mitsqal sharia (dinar weight) of gold. Weight of gold mitsqal is seventy-two grains of wheat, so the seven-persepuluhnya is fifty-two-fifths of the wheat grain. All these measurements are firmly established by ijma (consensus).
In addition to having a stable value, use of the dinar will reduce financial dependency (financial dependency) to its users against the dollar due to mismanagement of capital. Countries that have a balance of trade deficit (the majority of the Muslim world) means the amount of more domestic funds to flow out of the country instead of foreign funds into the country. The occurrence of "capital flight" which led to high foreign exchange will fall, if not a minus. When this happens, and to cover the state budget deficit, then forced to be financed with foreign debt.
Compulsion clearly indebted to the debtor country has memerangkapkan necessity to meet all requirements of the donor country (creditor), which are highly indebted countries exorbitant. The requirement to use dollar when paying the debt, will cause the value of the debtor country's currency lower. Consequently, the debtor country is on the part of the aggrieved at having to pay the debt in an amount more than the actual amount of debt. This is solely because of instability (appreciation) Dollar value.
However, if you owe a dinar, then at any time and under any circumstances, the Dinar will not change. Then, fluctuations in currency dollar will largely determine the advantages / disadvantages of dollar holders. The tragedy of '11 September 2001 'it has caused tremendous depreciated dollar, causing the conglomerates Arab Muslims suffered billions of dollar losses. Meanwhile, to save money in the Dinar, under any circumstances, will not fluctuate.
This is due to the amount of money circulating in the community was too much and not proportionate to the amount of goods and services in the market. In other words, value for money is very dependent on the high-low number of "supply" and "demand" for money in the community. Meanwhile, Dinar, its value is not affected by the law of "supply" and "demand". Superiority of the dinar and dirham currencies compared with the vacuum (fiat money) is not only recognized Islamic economists, even co-coated western economists. Dinar is backed up 100% by gold (it has intrinsic value 100%) is clearly more stable than the Euro are only backed up 20% by gold and the dollar was not backed up by gold (have zero intrinsic value ). This is evident when the U.S. used the money gold standard in 1879, the rate of inflation in the country's Super Power to match the inflation rate dropped dramatically when the money is used the gold standard in 1861. The main cause of economic crises that repeatedly hit the world is due to the adoption of the global financial system that uses fiat money, instead of Dinar and Dirham.
Gold dinar and silver dirham
In addition, the use of Dinar and Dirham will stymie efforts and culling printing money arbitrarily by the ruling party (the government). That is, the amount of money in circulation in society will be controlled and inflasipun be controlled. Dinar will realize the world monetary system and foreign exchange markets are more stable. This occurs because the use of dinar would eliminate the practice of currency speculation and arbitrage practice (arbitraging: praktel reap profits through the sale of foreign currency).
Helped promote the use of dinar for international trade transactions with the dinar will minimize transaction costs. When the Dinar is used as the single currency of the Islamic world, then to change money from one type of currency into another currency is no longer necessary expenses. And the most remarkable, the use of Dinar will further ensure the sovereignty / integrity of the country from the domination of the economy, culture, politics and ideology of the West. For example, by simply printing dollars without the need to be backed up by gold and then loaned to Indonesia, the U.S. now easily dictate and interfere in the internal affairs of Indonesia.
Though the loan was only a piece of paper that reads certain figures who have absolutely no intrinsic value. Conversely, without having sufficient gold, then of course the U.S. did not have the dinar to be lent to Indonesia. In short, the Dinar and Dirham is the currency that is able to realize a just global monetary system (just world monetary system).
Furthermore, due to the value of the Dinar has not changed, then the speculative action in the foreign exchange market will not occur. In addition to immune to inflation, Dinar is also not affected by interest rate. In other words, Dinar is usury-free money. The stability of the dinar will also promote trade and stabilize the monetary system. The economic crisis has caused swelling even unemployment, low productivity, rising poverty levels, and various other economic diseases. Based on the above explanation, it was his day Muslims not to offer bargain again in the re-use of Dinar and Dirham.
Seeing the crucial role in stabilizing the Dinar and Dirham economic welfare as well as people, then the money vacuum is considered as an enemy of Islam economic rights. Without the money to replace hollow with the Dinar and Dirham, Islamic financial institutions such as banks sharia, Islamic insurance (takaful), bonds and shares of Shari'ah, and the shari'ah pawnshop (ar-Rahnu) will not be able to operate 100% pure based on the Koran and Hadith. Operations of Islamic financial institutions without the presence of Dinar and Dirham is very difficult to free themselves from usurious practices, gharar and gambling. That is why, Dinar and Dirham ouster effort as the single currency of the Islamic world should be immediately realized. Moreover, economic conditions are increasingly dying west with the use of money vacuum is expected to soon follow in the footsteps of communist economic collapse. It was then that Muslims should be ready with the Dinar and Dirham. If not, the Islamic world economy will continue to decline. Muslims opportunities to outperform Western economies more wide open. However, all this depends on the readiness of Muslims to empower re-Dinar and Dirham as their single currency. May the glory of Islam may return Reach.
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