Are you noticing any grayish color, cotton like thing
sticking on the gills or skin of your fish?
It can be easily cured with simple medications which you can buy at your
local fish stores. Just make sure next
time to regularly clean the water inside your tank.
Parasites like flukes normally attack the gills or skin of
the fish. You would notice if the fish
is affected if it constantly rubs itself to the walls or ornaments inside the
tank. You would also notice a cloudy
appearance in the fish’s skin. This is
mainly caused by bad water quality inside the tank. You should treat this as soon as possible
because flukes multiply fast.
Like any other disease, you can easily treat this, just be
vigilant on symptoms and keep the water clean.
Another easy case to see is fin rot. The fins are split in a ragged fashion. This is brought about by poor water quality
and stressful state of the fish. Again,
this can easily be treated with medication, but you need to treat this
Some tips on treating your aquariums with any medication:
1. It is very
important to read and follow the instructions on the labels of the medicines.
2. It is best to
quarantine the affected fish on a separate tank to lessen the spread of the
3. To improve water
quality, it is ideal to replace at least 30 to 40 percent of the water in the
4. Always use water
treatments to remove any chlorine especially if you are using tap water.
5. A smart tip is to
remove the carbon first in your filtration device because this can absorb the
medication that you added in the tank.
Always remember that like any other disease or sickness,
prevention is better than cure.
Regularly check the conditions of the water inside the tank. Do not just admire the beauty of the fish;
also check any irregularities with them.
I hope this helps and that your fish tank and fish are all well.
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