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Borobudur the temple wonders of the world

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Borobudur - In Indonesia there are so many beautiful sights, but unfortunately mostly foreign tourists only know Bali, Central Java province for example, save a lot of outstanding natural beauty is also historic places that unfortunately if we do not go. 

Jogja and Magelang, when hearing the name of two cities, we probably would instantly reminded of the story of the eruption of Mount Merapi recently, but I do not want to discuss about it this time but its attractions on the beautiful exotic, such as beautiful scenery in the Dieng Plateau and Ketep which in addition serves as an observation post Mount Merapi is also a very attractive tourist place.

in the city of Jogja, surely all familiar with the name malioboro, prambanan temple, and Borobudur. Who does not know Borobudur? This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in its complex. Millions of people longing to visit the buildings included in this World Wonder Heritages. Not surprisingly, since architecturally and functionally, as a place of worship, Borobudur is attractive.

Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of ancient Mataram kingdom, hereditary dynasty dynasty. Based Kayumwungan inscription, an Indonesian named Hudaya Kandahjaya revealed that Borobudur was a place of worship that was completed on 26 May 824, almost one hundred years since the early days of construction. The name Borobudur, as some people means a mountain having terraces (budhara), while the other says that Borobudur means monastery on the heights.

Borobudur punden staircase-shaped building consists of 10 levels. Height of 42 meters and 34.5 meters before it was renovated after the renovation because the lowest level was used as a drag. Six lowest level square and the upper three circular form, and the highest level in the form of a Buddhist stupa facing westward. Each level represents the stages of human life. In accordance schools of Mahayana Buddhism, every person who wants to reach the level of the Buddha must through every level of life is.

The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizing human beings that are still bound by lust. Four levels above it are called Rupadhatu symbolizing human beings that have freed themselves from lust but still tied to appearance and shape. At that level, put a statue of Buddha is open. Meanwhile, three levels above where Buddha placed inside perforated stupa called Arupadhatu, symbolizing human beings that have been freed from lust, appearance, and shape. The top part is called Arupa symbolizes nirvana, where Buddha is residing.

Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful. Relief that will be read coherently when you walk in a clockwise direction (towards the left of the entrance of the temple). In the reliefs of Borobudur tells of a legendary story, namely Ramayana. In addition, there are relief panels depicting the condition of society at that time. For example, the relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of agriculture system and relief of sailing boat representing the advance of the time shipping was centered in Bergotta (Semarang).

All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect Buddha's teachings. Therefore, this temple functions as educating medium for those who want to learn Buddhism. You can surround each narrow alleys at Borobudur in order to understand the philosophy of Buddhism. Atisha, a Buddhist from India in the 10th century,'ve been to the temple which was built three centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 4 centuries before the Great Cathedral in Europe.

Thanks to visiting Borobudur and having Buddhist manuscripts from Serlingpa (one of the king of the kingdom of Srivijaya), Atisha was able to develop Buddhism. He became abbot Vikramasila and taught Tibetans of practicing Dharma. Six manuscripts of Serlingpa was condensed into a core doctrine called "The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" or better known by the name Bodhipathapradipa.

One of the questions still unanswered about Borobudur is how the condition around the temple was built and why the temple was found buried in a state. Some say Borobudur originally stood surrounded by marsh and then buried by the eruption of Merapi. Calcutta is essentially the inscription reads 'Amawa' means sea of ​​milk. The word which is then interpreted as the lava of Merapi. Some others say cold Merapi lava buried Borobudur.

With all the grandeur and mystery that is, only natural that many people of all penjru world enter the Borobudur as a place to visit in his life. Besides enjoying the temple, you can walk around to the villages around Borobudur, like Karanganyar and Wanurejo to see the activities of people make crafts. You can also go to the top watu Kendil to be able to view panorama from the top of Borobudur. Wait what? No need to worry about the earthquake May 27, 2006, because Borobudur is not affected at all. 

So, what you are interested to go there? I guarantee you will not regret it. Bali island is very beautiful and charming. But Indonesia, it is not only Bali

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