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benefits of eggs

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Berkas:Ayam telur.jpgIn this post I do not talk about myths, whichever occurs first? Egg or chicken? because if we get a valid answer was not any good. so I am interested to discuss about the myth of the other eggs, and may be useful.

There is a myth in society that the egg is not good for your heart. Misunderstandings still remain upon many people, especially those concerned about heart disease as a result of eating eggs. Eggs are the food that is needed. Can be served as side dishes, and used as one ingredient cookie dough, noodles, and various snacks.

Chicken eggs are the most commonly consumed and very nutritious. Chicken eggs contain many different types of high-quality protein contains all kinds including essential amino acids for human needs. Also contains various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Chicken eggs are also the cheapest source of protein meal complete. One large egg contains about 7 grams of protein.
The content of vitamins A, D and E contained in egg yolk. Eggs are known to be one of the few foods that contain vitamin D. One large egg yolk contains about 60 calories and egg white contains about 15 calories. One large egg yolk contains two-thirds of the recommended daily amount of cholesterol is 300 mg. The fat in eggs is also present in the egg yolk. One egg yolk also contains half the daily recommended amount of choline.

Eggs are also a good source of choline, which has been linked with preserving memory, and lutein and zeaxanthin, which may protect against vision loss. In the egg there are Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These two substances help maintain eye health and protect the eyes from ultraviolet effects of sunlight. In addition, two of these substances reduces the risk of a disease Age-related Macular Degeneration, one cause of blindness for people aged over 65 years. Also been proven that by eating the eggs, you reduce the risk of cataracts.

Eggs are a relatively inexpensive source of protein. In addition, eggs contain choline, a substance needed by the body to stay healthy, especially for brain development and memory. Nutritionist Amanda Ursell reveals, or poach poached egg breakfast before leaving for school children benefit the energy and intelligence. The fetus also has a higher IQ when expectant mothers are routinely mengasup two eggs every day.
Eggs contain many essential nutrients: protein, vitamin A, D, E, and B, phosphorus and zinc. Fat and low calories. One egg contains only 71 cal. This is what makes the egg is highly recommended when someone on a diet! Based on recent research in the United States, eggs are one of a healthy diet is proven over the last few decades. The findings were based on the results of a study to be published in the Journal of Nutrition and Food Science in June. The study was performed by analyzing 71 research papers on egg nutrition and dietary patterns. Consumption of eggs one or two eggs a day is very good for someone who was undergoing a low-calorie diet. Breakfast eggs every morning to make a person full sooner, thus reducing appetite. This pattern makes a person more easily lose weight.

Egg white has a very important role to prevent the spread of bacteria. According to a study by researchers in Japan, is a peptide substance (existing ditelur) which binds and prevents E. coli bacteria to be spread.

It is not true if one argues that eggs increase blood cholesterol levels. But instead according to research at Harvard University, no association between cardiovascular disease and eating eggs. Egg contains only 5 grams of fat and is made up of saturated fat. Without containing unsaturated fats, which trigger an increase in cholesterol. Eggs are not claimed as a major cause of elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood.
From the same study are known, which is claimed to lower cholesterol eggs rich in vitamin D actually played a role in bone formation. Increased cholesterol caused more trans fat consumption.

As is often said to be a parent first, if egg protein source and eggs are therefore used as a standardization of other sources of protein. Protein works to repair organs. Muscle, skin, and organs all composed of protein. Protein itself consists of 20 amino acids different, and 9 of which are not produced by our own bodies. Eggs contain nine essential substances and amino acids, which works to increase levels of protein in the body.

Well ... you see for yourself. Eggs are one source of protein that is very easy and inexpensive to obtain. Therefore, do not be afraid - afraid to eat eggs.

(Quoted from various sources)

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