Lava S12 works in network band of GSM
frequency 850/900/1800/1900 MHz . It has 3D user interface. It offers download
speed of up to 7.2 Mbps and up load at a speed of up to 384kbps. Lava S 12 has
an amazing camera facility that has the size of 5 mega pixels. The camera also
gives 2x zoom facility with auto detection and LED flash. The internal memory
has the capacity of 120MB that is expandable up to 32GB through external
microSD card. Connectivity features include wireless Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS. The
mobile phone is also equipped with FM radio that enables recording. The users
can easily customize the 3D interface as per their own choice. You can even
watch your favorite TV shows with the help of Zenga mobile TV. The handset
comes with a free 2GB memory card. Lava S 12 looks stylized and professional as
well. The matte finish ensures that scratches are not visible prominently. It
has widgets that allow different features such as weather updates, flickr,
calendar and multimedia. This phone supports various multimedia file formats
such as MP4, AVI, MPG, WMV, MP3, WAV and AAC. Lava S 12 is a must buy for those
who are looking for good mobile phones at an affordable range.
Monty Alexander has written many articles on lava mobile
- lava a10, nokia x2-02, lava kkt 50 etc.
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